5 Reasons Y Picking Your Brand Colour Is Simple

5 Reasons Y Picking Your Brand Colours Is Simple

5 Reasons Y Picking Your Brand Colour Is Simple

5 Reasons Y Picking Your Brand Colours Is Simple

We wrote recently about why picking brand colours is important.

However, we know while we’re not asking you to decided right here and now, even coming up with inspiration can be difficult and frustrating.


So, here are 5 places to find colour palette inspiration:

1 Use a Social Platform

Social media platforms like Pinterest or even Instagram can be useful tools to find complementary colours that suit the kind of personality you want you brand to encompass.

Take your time and look around – there’s lots of beautiful images out there.

2 Look Around Your Industry

Noticing trends in colour and colour tone in your industry may help to either narrow down your palette, or even show you what you don’t want.

Ask yourself, what are your competitors doing to portray a cohesive brand through colour?

3 Use a Colour Pickers or a Colour App

There are some great colour pickers to use to isolate a specific hue you just love in a picture or image. This way you can find those custom colours.

Another option is to play around with a colour app or game for inspiration.

4 Learn About Color Psychology

Checking out what certain colours represent or the emotions they inspired in your audience can also help narrow down your choices.

Digital marketing greatly relies on putting engaging images and content in front of our target audience, and every time we do so, we think about every detail – including colour – and how that will affect our viewers.

5 What Colours Do You Like?

While your brand and you do not necessarily go hand in hand, perhaps think about what kind of colours and textures you are drawn to.

At the very least, your influences may lead your graphic designer to options that have the same tone, energy, or texture.

Talk to Y5 today to learn about our digital marketing process and how we can help you create the brand of your dreams.

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